Kajian Musawarah launched

Hijrah communities are claiming public spaces such as malls, city squares, and streets. In Bandung, for instance, they collaborated with the biker community to organise a convoy after tarawih prayers.[27] In Jakarta, the celebrity-led Hijrah group Kajian Musawarah launched HijrahFest in 2018. Held annually in exhibition halls—including the prestigious Jakarta Convention Centre and Balai Kartini—and featuring halal bazaars, sermons and talk shows, the event has established itself as a prominent platform for actors associated with Hijrah and their followers. Attended by prominent figures such as former Jakarta governor, Anies Baswedan, HijrahFest reportedly attracted 25,000 visitors from Jakarta and its surrounding suburbs, generating over 25 billion rupiahs in monetary circulation.[28] The success of HijrahFest captures the effervescence of urban Muslims for a blend of activities สล็อต

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